West Side Story is finally over! I had to wear heels, and a dress that was held up by safety pins because it was quite a few sizes too big, and yet, it still got stepped on.. I also had to play the part of a puerto rican, meaning foundation wherever my skin showed, except for my legs.. thank goodness for stockings! My "day outfit" was black for all to see, but when it came time to change, on the inside, it had turned a purply-brown-muave color.. ewwwww. Came out in the wash though.. all is good.
In choir, I was drafted into the triple-trio for No Golden Carraige. I must say, we did a swell job wherever we performed it. Good job ladies! The choir as a whole did amazing this year too, getting the media at our last practice added to that. Our repetoire for the spring looks like mucho fun, and we have soo many more concerts. I hear we are in about 3 mass concerts, we're going to the Yukon and soo much more. I'm excited.. Phantom of the Opera, Billy Joel, hehehehe.
Piano. Interesting number right here. Doing well and progressing, just not as fast as I would have liked, but hey, always room for improvement. I played like a pro at my last lesson. Must be learning something.
School has been a different matter lately. I've dropped my courses for the rest of the semester and finishing a package for my socials class on my own, and taking fast track for my english course in January. For now I have to read a strange book with prime numbers instead for chapter numbers. The only thing getting cut is band. But I guess Cuba band makes up for it.
Think I have to end up getting the vaccine and giving myself a hep. a shot.. scary!