Sunday, September 03, 2006


I haven't written in awhile, so i thought i might update you a bit. I've been at camp all summer except for 2 weeks and a weekend. I didn't go to teen camp, and there was no room for volunteers at moms and tots. I learned sooooo much in lit2 and grew tons. I feel so much more confident or however you spell it. And though I've had an amazing summer, tonight is my last night here, and I am very scared. School starts the day after I get home, and I haven't even looked at my courses in it's original form that it was mailed to me in! I have to change my courses, register for piano lessons, and get mentally prepared for what is going to be a big year for me. I realize my group of friends is going to change a bit, and that my ways of thinking is different, and that I'm actually growing up! I looked at pictures of friends, or old friends this summer, and realized how much we've all changed. This year my classes really matter. This year basically everything counts. This year is the last year that I have until I have to start applying for scholarships and schools and all that jazz. I'm scared to make the wrong choice, or not even make a choice and be stuck. I want to do soo much, and yet, I'm afraid to. I don't want to isolate myself again. I like having fun with people. But I'm still afraid of having too much fun and abandoning all I'm trying to work for this year and next. I want to be the best I can be, without pushing what I am. Laidback. I don't like being so critical all the time. Oy. The cymbals feel as if they are about to crash. I'm gonna try and sleep through this tonight.



Gods child said...

Hey Amanda i'm praying for you. I know you'll do well. Don't stress to much. But, i understand it scary. Hang in there. Love you lots

Anonymous said...

I know this is a bit late Amanda, but your in my thoughts. These are kind of crazy times, I know..been there. Don't let it eat you up, for as I know from experience, life happenss no matter how much you worry about it, the difference is that when you don't, you feel much better when you get there. Your and awesome person with awesome friends and family to be there with you. I have all the faith in the world in you, focus on what you like doing and being true to yourself.

Uncle T.