Let's start with marriage in Genesis 2:18-25 and Matthew 19:4-6
MARRIAGE was God's idea for two people to come together to fulfill a mission they could not accomplish on their own.
"Oh, let me warn you, sisters in Jerusalem, by the gazelles, yes, by all the wild deer: Don't excite love, don't stir it up, until the time is ripe—and you're ready."
Age To Marry
Now, as many of you know, there were many arranged marriages back in the day, and girls were married at a young age, with the oldest daughter married out first, etc. Well here's how it went under Judaism. Under Judaism, boys could marry or make religious vows at 14 and girls at 12 and one day, both only with parental permission, which was required until both, boys and girls, were 21 years of age.
In the first century, there was a general rule that young people "of age" could arrange their own marriages. The Jewish rabbis set the minimum age for marriage at twelve years and one day for the girl, and thirteen years for the boy. Now, above I had said boys could marry or make religious vows at 14, not 13. I think this is to do with the fact that boys "become men" at 13, so I'm making the assumption that they can become engaged/betrothed at this age, but cannot marry until they are 14. A boy was most likely wed in this time by the time he was eighteen to twenty years of age.
In ancient times, marriages were usually arranged between the oldest male family members within the same group or family clan. This would guarantee the future existence of the overall group and preservation of culture and values. Girls were given in marriage when they were old enough to bear children, so shortly following puberty; boys married when they either received their inheritance or obtained their own resources. This meant he could take care of his new family and be man of his household without any doubt. It was also common for the groom to give a dowry, or purchase his wife from his future father-in-law. Or, in Jacob's case in Genesis 29:15-21, where he worked for seven years to get his bride. Boys were usually married between puberty and their latter teen years. Because of the big emphasis on family, especially the clan, newly-weds generally bore children within the year following marriage.
Now, to be betrothed to someone in that time was pretty much like being engaged nowadays, with a few differences of course. Once a young man chose who he should have as his bride, and she had agreed (is she was of age), a formal declaration of marital intent was made in the presence of two witnesses, kinda like our engagement parties. Once this had happened, they were considered betrothed. The betrothal period was fixed by law, so there was none of this "I've been engaged for 2 years!" or " We got engaged and married within the hour!" business.
For a maiden, the betrothal period was from ten months to a year; for a widow it was three months. From the time of her betrothal until the marriage actually took place, the woman was treated as if she was already married. The only way to get out of being betrothed was with divorce for a breach of faithfulness was thought of as adultery.
One Flesh
I love this excerpt from Ephesians 5:23-33 in the Message of the connection between a husband and wife.
22 -24Wives, understand and support your husbands in ways that show your support for Christ. The husband provides leadership to his wife the way Christ does to his church, not by domineering but by cherishing. So just as the church submits to Christ as he exercises such leadership, wives should likewise submit to their husbands.
25 -28Husbands, go all out in your love for your wives, exactly as Christ did for the church—a love marked by giving, not getting. Christ's love makes the church whole. His words evoke her beauty. Everything he does and says is designed to bring the best out of her, dressing her in dazzling white silk, radiant with holiness. And that is how husbands ought to love their wives. They're really doing themselves a favor—since they're already "one" in marriage.
This, to me, is what marriage should be, especially in these times of divorce and insecurity.DIVORCE
Law of Moses
"If a man marries a woman who becomes displeasing to him because he finds something indecent about her, and he writes her a certificate of divorce, gives it to her and sends her from his house, and if after she leaves his house she becomes the wife of another man, and her second husband dislikes her and writes her a certificate of divorce, gives it to her and sends her from his house, or if he dies, then her first husband, who divorced her, is not allowed to marry her again after she has been defiled. That would be detestable in the eyes of the Lord. Do not bring sin upon the land the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance."
Jesus was questioned with the Law of Moses later in the New Testament:
One day the Pharisees were badgering him: "Is it legal for a man to divorce his wife for any reason?"
He answered, "Haven't you read in your Bible that the Creator originally made man and woman for each other, male and female? And because of this, a man leaves father and mother and is firmly bonded to his wife, becoming one flesh—no longer two bodies but one. Because God created this organic union of the two sexes, no one should desecrate his art by cutting them apart."
They shot back in rebuttal, "If that's so, why did Moses give instructions for divorce papers and divorce procedures?"
Jesus said, "Moses provided for divorce as a concession to your hard heartedness, but it is not part of God's original plan. I'm holding you to the original plan, and holding you liable for adultery if you divorce your faithful wife and then marry someone else. I make an exception in cases where the spouse has committed adultery."
Jesus' disciples objected, "If those are the terms of marriage, we're stuck. Why get married?"
But Jesus said, "Not everyone is mature enough to live a married life. It requires a certain aptitude and grace. Marriage isn't for everyone. Some, from birth seemingly, never give marriage a thought. Others never get asked—or accepted. And some decide not to get married for kingdom reasons. But if you're capable of growing into the largeness of marriage, do it."
God of Israel
"I hate divorce," says the God of Israel. God-of-the-Angel-Armies says, "I hate the violent dismembering of the 'one flesh' of marriage." So watch yourselves. Don't let your guard down. Don't cheat.
God does not condemn the filing of divorce, but condemns violating the marriage covenant so as to end the marriage. Otherwise why would Moses have his law? It is not up to us to judge if a divorce was for the right reasons, etc. That is between God and the husband and wife for we are not equipped to judge as God does.
When the Pharisees, a money-obsessed bunch, heard him say these things, they rolled their eyes, dismissing him as hopelessly out of touch. So Jesus spoke to them: "You are masters at making yourselves look good in front of others, but God knows what's behind the appearance.
What society sees and calls monumental,
God sees through and calls monstrous.
God's Law and the Prophets climaxed in John;
Now it's all kingdom of God—the glad news
and compelling invitation to every man and woman.
The sky will disintegrate and the earth dissolve
before a single letter of God's Law wears out.
Using the legalities of divorce
as a cover for lust is adultery;
Using the legalities of marriage
as a cover for lust is adultery.
I think Thomas M. Strouse summed up what I'm trying to say very well in his conclusion on his article in which I grabbed some of this information off of.
"The Bible is God's guide for mankind in general and especially for Christians. The Bible teaches that marriage is permanent and monogamous. The Bible teaches that divorce is only for the betrothal period prior to physical consummation. The Bible teaches that reconciliation, not divorce is the solution to marital difficulties, and that remarriage is only allowable when the marriage union has been broken by death. May Christians and mankind follow the Bible's guidance for strong family units by realizing marriage is for life and that the Lord God of Israel hates divorce (Mal. 2:16)."
Marriage Ages in the Bible by Louis Rushmore
Divorce in Biblical Times Chapter 5
Biblical Womanhood
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